History Today

Clio as a Governess: Lessons in History, 1798

'Lead them to a habit of reflection and observation for themselves...' – J.H. Burns argues that a handbook for teachers written by a north-country schoolmistress in the 1790s has surprisingly modern echoes in its approach to teaching history.

Salvaged from the Cruel Sea

Ann Hills talks about the development of a Scapa flow centre to commemorate the use one of the greatest harbours from the Napoleonic Wars to the end of the Second World War.

Thoughts on Treasure Houses

Peter Stansky takes a look at the increasing number of houses either privately owned or owned by the National Trust being opened to the public.

The Immigrant Experience

In this abridged version of the prize-winning essay from our recent competition, Tracey Earl follows the fortunes of the Protestant refugees who came to Canterbury from the sixteenth century onwards.