History Today

Pagans and Christians

James Graham-Campbell looks at the persisting image of the Vikings as pagan raiders striking at isolated Christian settlements. But is this the whole truth? And how and why did the Vikings adopt Christianity?

A Patriot For Whom? Benedict Arnold and the Loyalists

'My country, right or wrong' – but which country? The dilemmas of allegiance posed for Americans by the outbreak of war between the colonies and the British Crown led a cross-section of that society into the loyalist camp, including (with an eye to the main chance) 'the most brilliant soldier of the Continental Army', as Esmond Wright describes.


Philip Mansel looks at the commemorations surrounding the 250th anniversary of the death of a Habsburg monarch.

Regulars Versus Rebels

Bruce Collins assesses various wars of national liberation and role of guerrillas throughout the world.

On Crime & Punishment

'They do this for their Christian faith and for the saving of souls' – as Russians travelled west, they began to notice moral divides between the countries they visited and their own society.

European Images of Muscovy

A slave-state where despotic superstition ruled - Herberstein's vision of sixteenth-century Russia set the agenda for future European attitudes.