
The Man Who Tried to Stop the Dresden Raids

Between February 13th and 15th, 1945, British and American bombers dropped nearly 4,000 tonnes of bombs on the refugee-crammed city of Dresden. David Spark relates how an officer at the British Air Ministry tried to get the raids called off.

The Other Side of Colditz

Judy Urquhart recalls a forgotten use of Colditz Castle after the end of the Second World War – as a prison for German aristocrats.

The Coming of the Third Reich

Richard Evans has written two articles for History Review explaining how a modern, progressive country surrendered to a brutal and murderous dictatorship. In the first, he traces Hitler's rise to the Chancellorship.

Nazism and Stalinism

Vincent Barnett argues that surface differences should not cover up deep-seated similarities.

Trying to Escape Hitler’s Shadow

F.J. Stapleton stresses that we need to apply as well as understand historiography to assess the impact of the Sondwerg Theory on German Kaiserrich Historiography.


Robert Pearce introduces one of the most important – and misunderstood – thinkers of the 19th century.