
Growing Up a Nazi

The article that follows comes from True to Both My Selves, Katrin Fitzherbert's prize-winning history of her Anglo-German family. Spanning a century and two world wars, the book centres on three generations of women who each lived part of their lives as Germans and part as Britons, depending on the state of politics between the two countries.

An Economy Geared to War

Richard Overy argues that the lesson Hitler Drew from 1914-18 was not that a major war should be avoided, but that Germany should prepare more systematically so that, next time, she would win.

Another Brick In The Wall

Sean Lang has built his passion for history on several key experiences, both in terms of teaching and learning.

The Origins of Prussian Militarism

Peter H. Wilson suggests that the aggressiveness of Wilhelmine Germany was not necessarily a direct consequence of the Prussian social system of the eighteenth century.