
The Women's Library

On Feb 4, 2002, the Women's Library opens in an extraordinary new building in Aldgate East in London. The new library is a place for people to debate and explore what the future holds for women.

Who Was Shakespeare?

William Rubinstein continues his survey of topics of enduring popular debate by examining the controversy surrounding the true identity of England's famous bard.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Is Published

On October 8th 1600, Thomas Fisher published A Midsummer Night's Dream in quarto format thought to have been printed from Shakespeare’s own handwritten copy.

Alexandria's Library Rises Again

The ancient library of Alexandria, destroyed by fire in AD270 is to be replaced by a new great library in the city to open this year, which will also serve as a local city museum.

The Death of Edgar Allan Poe

Charles Baudelaire described Edgar Allan Poe's death, on October 7th, 1849, as 'almost a suicide, a suicide prepared for a long time'.

The Press

Jeremy Black charts its growth in Victorian Britain.