Christopher Winn

The Bridges of March

Christopher Winn looks at the history of London Bridge, whose most recent incarnation opened in March 1973.

Body and Soul

The historical figures who are buried in more than one place.

Disappeared in December

The author Agatha Christie mysteriously disappeared on December 3rd, 1926. Christopher Winn recounts that, and other vanishings from this month.

Mysterious Drownings

Christopher Winn recalls the death of Percy Bysshe Shelley, and other mysterious drownings.

Pioneering Royals

On June 2nd, 1953 Elizabeth II was crowned in Westminster Abbey in the first coronation service to be televised. Here are more pioneering Royals.

Prime Ministerial Firsts

Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first female Prime Minister on May 4th, 1979. Some other firsts claimed by those occupying the country's highest office.