
This War Must Be Ended

In August 1918, writes John Terraine, the German High Command recognized the signs of defeat but four more fighting months passed before the armistice.

Madame: Elisabeth Charlotte of Orleans

The ungainly princess from the Palatinate was an unlikely bride for Louis XIV’s brother, writes Nis A. Petersen, but her frank nature and resourceful intelligence commended her to the King.

Lord Odo Russell and Bismarck

For thirteen years, writes Alec Randall, Odo Russell was British Ambassador in Berlin where he was an appreciative critic of Bismarck’s policies.

A British Student Prince in Germany: 1913

John Wroughton describes how the Prince of Wales and his Oxford tutor paid two agreeable visits to Germany in 1913, from which he returned with a warm affection for the German people.

Pope Silvester II

At the end of the tenth century, writes E.R. Chamberlin, a gifted French Pope aided the bold designs of an ambitious German Emperor.

Magnus Maximus at Trier

Towards the end of the fourth century, writes David Jones, a Spanish emperor from Britain and his Welsh empress held their spendid court in a city on the Moselle.