History Today

The Nazi State: Machine or Morass?

Competing interests as much as ideology fuelled the functioning of the Third Reich, augmented by forced labour and the plunder of Occupied Europe.


Mark Kishlansky discusses the change for historians with the ever increasing use of computers.

The Puritan War on Christmas

'Trappings of popery and rags of the beast'. Mince-pies, mummers, holly and church services all fell victim to a determined Puritan attempt to stamp out the celebration of Christmas under the Commonwealth.


Edward Royle looks at the most relevant titles on the 19th-century working-class political movement.

In Search of Lost Time

This winter I shall be rereading A la recherche du temps perdu. It is not, I concede, everyone's idea of evening relaxation by the fire-side. But those who have come to love this sinuous masterpiece will know well the kind of delights I anticipate.

What is the History of Popular Culture? (i)

'All human life is there'. But is it - and can it be interpreted on a par with the chronicles of the great and good? Five social historians discuss the relevance of history without 'kings and things'.