History Today

The Norman Impact

Ruthless militarists who extinguished a more thoughtful and sophisticated culture? Or synthesisers of genius who gave England a new lease of life in focusing its attention on Continental Europe? R. Allen Brown weighs profit and loss from the events of 1066.

The Angevin Empire

The Angevin Empire may have come about by a mixture of luck and calculation, but skill and respect for local custom were required for Henry II to preserve it intact.

Good Times, Bad Times

'Politics didn't matter': the ordinary Germany often insulated himself from the tensions of the Third Reich by concentrating on its work and leisure benefits.

Domesday and the Computer

John Palmer explores the new development of computerising the Domesday day book and what the effects will be.

Glitterless Prizes

David Cannadine raises questions about the transition from student life into the working world


Mark Kishlansky discusses the change for historians with the ever increasing use of computers.