Volume 69 Issue 11 November 2019

A History of Salt Cod

The origin of bacalhau, the Portuguese national dish with a global past of ingenuity and exploitation.

The Torrid Zone

In the 18th century, Europeans in the tropics found themselves beset by an array of unpleasant afflictions. They blamed black women, the climate and the strength of their own masculinity.

Berlin’s Other Anniversary

The fall of the Berlin Wall was as much about beginnings as it was about endings. Out of the rubble came a new hope: techno music.

Catholicism and its Critics

There is nothing exclusively modern about the dream of a world transformed by Reformation, Enlightenment, or revolution.

Virgin Islands of the Atlantic

The first ‘New World’ reached by Europeans was not in the Americas, but in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, where previously uninhabited islands were transformed forever.