Mathew Lyons

Under Good Birds

The role birds played in the lives – intellectual, practical, emotional and otherwise – of men and women in the ancient world.

Between fact and fiction

We live in an era sceptical of singularity and authority, yet attracted to narrow certainties. Might a more self-consciously subjective approach to history offer solutions, asks Mathew Lyons?

Humanities without humanity

The pseudo-science of managerialism is having a pernicious effect on higher education. Radical ideas are needed if disciplines such as history are to continue to prosper, argues Mathew Lyons. 

Young academics: The great betrayal

Poorly paid and treated with contempt, the plight of early career researchers in the humanities is the result of a systemic betrayal of a generation of academics, argues Mathew Lyons.

Safe Spaces and Comfort Zones

Confronting the brutal facts of history can be difficult. But how far should we protect ourselves from them before it becomes censorship? 

England Through Camden’s Eyes

While we return again and again to the proto-historians of the classical world, we neglect those pioneering figures closer to us in space and time. Why is this, wonders Mathew Lyons?

Pilgrims in a Strange Land

Though we share a common humanity with people of the past, their world can seem alien to us, says Mathew Lyons. Was it just as disconcerting for them, too?