
The Classic Woman?

Mary Beard looks at the new ways of thinking about what life was like for women in Greece and Rome.

Japanese Women at Work, 1880-1920

What was it like to be a 'boiled octopus' in the silk mills of Japan before the First World War? Janet Hunter looks at the life and conditions of the women who bore the brunt of Japan's rapid industrialisation.

Our Mother, Which Art in Heaven?

The debate over the role of women in the Anglican church continues to rage in the UK. A historical look at the role of women in Christianity is presented.

Gender, Class and Nation

Leonore Davidoff on how women's history has been interwoven with debates on society and identity and its prospects for durability.

Northern Men and Votes for Women

Leah Leneman tells the little-known story of the role played by Scottish men, in the campaign to get women the vote in the years before the First World War.

Women, Food and Politics 1880 - 1930

'The bread and butter of life' - Martin Pugh traces how the increasing electoral importance of food and domestic issues in Britain helped to entrench women in the mainstream of political life.