
What Columbus Knew

Master mariner or dedicated amateur? Helen Wallis examines the state of geographical knowledge when Columbus set sail, and outlines his use of it.

Robin Hood - A Peasant Hero

Maurice Keen describes how, in the years around the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 Robin Hood emerged as the legendary hero of the common people of England.

Richard Coeur-De-Lion

Sir Steven Runciman profiles a fabled Englishman, concerned with the political and military relationships between East and West.

Henry VIII as Military Commander

Top gun? Alexander McKee assesses Henry VIII's prowess as a commander by land and sea in the light of his 1545 campaigns against the French.

Tournaments and Early Tudor Chivalry

Business with pleasure - Steven Gunn shows how the spectacle of the joust oiled the wheels of service and diplomacy as well as building up the court's image, not just for Henry VIII but for his dynasty-founding father as well.