W.H. Chaloner

The Anti-Corn Law League

If there are turning points in history, the Repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, and the adoption of Free Trade, represented such a moment in Britain. By peaceful means, writes W.H. Chaloner, the new industrial forces in the nation had triumphed over the old landed interests.

The Birth of the Panama Canal, 1869—1914

Panama, and its American-controlled Canal Zone, have lately been the scene of a revolutionary flutter. W.H. Chaloner asks, what is the history of the building of the Canal, and of the United States connexion with it?

De Lesseps and the Suez Canal

W.H. Chaloner assesses the life and career of Ferdinand De Lesseps, the French diplomat and later developer of the Suez Canal.

Friedrich Engels and the England of the 1840s

W.O. Henderson and W.H. Chalonert describe how it was from incomplete evidence, and in a spirit of political prejudice, that Engels compiled his famous account of the condition of the British working-classes.

Ludwig and Alfred Mond

The Monds were significant figures not only as the architects of a great modern industry but as representatives of a phase of industrial development that nowadays belongs to the past. Here Dr. W.H. Chaloner traces the rise of these determined individualists.