Martin Evans


Martin Evans talks to the historian of science Rebecca Stott about her new novel in which she explores unexplained events in the life of Isaac Newton, and considers the interactions between past and present.

France 1956: The Decisive Moment

Martin Evans looks at the events of 1956 and the French war on terror, both at home and elsewhere, and how this was a turning point for French fortunes in the Algerian War of Independence.

Sins of the Fathers

Carmen Callil talks to Martin Evans about her recent excursion into the lies and hypocrisy of Vichy France.

Douglas Johnson

Martin Evans mourns the loss of Douglas Johnson, doyen of French political history in Britain.

Robert Paxton: The Outsider

Martin Evans discusses how the historian Robert Paxton shifted the terms of debate over the collective memory of Vichy France.

Projecting a Greater France

Martin Evans contrasts the triumphalism of France’s 1931 Colonial Exhibition in Paris with the rotten reality of its ramshackle empire.