History Today

The Resistance in France

The activities and success of the Resistance movement in France from 1940-1944 is examined by Roderick Kedward.

Jorvik: Rebirth of a City

Jorvik, the Viking-age predecessor of modern York, has in recent years, been revealed by archaeologists in astonishing detail. A new underground Viking centre in the city has enabled the excavated evidence to be displayed where it was found, accompanied by an innovative full-size reconstruction of a complete Viking-age neighbourhood.

Mexico and Philadelphia

'Compare the wealth and refinement of cities such as Mexico... in the middle of the eighteenth century, with the austere simplicity, verging on poverty, of... Philadelphia, a misleading splendour; what was dawn for the United States was twilight for Latin America...' Octavio Paz

Mr Punch and the Iron Duke

The Duke of Wellington proved a gift to the cartoonists of 'Punch' - he was a figure the magazine's readership would recognise, and he did not look unlike Mr Punch himself.