
The Puritan War on Christmas

'Trappings of popery and rags of the beast'. Mince-pies, mummers, holly and church services all fell victim to a determined Puritan attempt to stamp out the celebration of Christmas under the Commonwealth.

What is Religious History?

The history of ecclesiastical structures? The link between denominations and social change? The history of Christian doctrine? The study of formal beliefs? What people believed? Eight historians answer the question...

Cultural Encounter - Islam in Java

For the past 600 years the island of Java has been the scene for the encounter of the two major cultural and religious traditions of the world.

The Fishermen's Religious Revival

1921 was an annus terribilis for the fishing communities of north-east Scotland - and the despair of the fisher folk, explains John Lowe Duthie, led them to religious fervour for consolation.

The Political Masks of Martin Luther

How the life of 16th-Century Reformer Martin Luther contributed to the future of Germany, even the rise of Fascism, as Thomas A. Brady, Jr. discusses...

Kuwait Exhibits Islam

Kuwait has enjoyed wealth far longer than the other oil producing states of the Middle East and is proud to spend its riches on its heritage, as Philip Mansel explores here.

Making an Atlas of Islam

Francis Robinson explains how his perception of Islam is reflected in his book, Atlas of the Islamic World since 1500 (Phaidon, 1982).