Science & Technology

Halley and Post-Restoration Science

Not just 'the Comet man' - Halley's achievements as a polymath testify to the breadth and vigour of English scientific enquiry and experiment in the years after 1660.


Mark Kishlansky discusses the change for historians with the ever increasing use of computers.

Poems of Science

Good quotes are rare in the history of science. The striking utterances which scientists have managed to produce are often over-used.

Cottage Industry and the Factory System

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain when it did? How quickly and decisively did it transform industrial technology, class relations and living standards? 

The Natural History Museum

'A kind of apotheosis of terracotta', the Natural History Museum has been open for a hundred years as a scientific institution to serve the huge lay audience who are knowledgeable about nature and eager to learn more. Robert Thorne reflects on how, in its centenary year, the museum's architectural perfection is under threat.