
Guelf and Ghibelline in Italy

Peter Partner describes how resentment against the exile of the Papacy in Avignon led to the ‘War of the Eight Saints’ in 1375 by the ‘Guelf’ cities of Italy.

Edward II and his Minions

Harold F. Hutchison describes how the tastes and affections of King Edward II were disgusting to the medieval orthodoxy of monks and barons.

The Imperial Guptas

B.G. Gokhale describes how, in India, at the beginning of the fourth century A.D., a line of rulers arose from obscurity to inaugurate a Golden Age.

Legendary Alexander

George Woodcock describes how, during the centuries after his death, Alexander became many things to many peoples and in countries often distant from those that saw his exploits.

The Weardale Campaign, 1327

Soon after their humiliating reverse at Weardale, writes I.M. Davis, the English recognized Scottish independence in the Treaty of Northampton.

Empedocles of Acragas

Colin Davies introduces the Greek philosopher and physician who flourished in Sicily during the fifth century B.C.