
The My Lai Massacre

Kendrick Oliver revisits the scene of a crime that became a watershed in public perceptions of the Vietnam war.

Oral Evidence and Vietnam

Peter Riddick looks at the way oral history can add another perspective to our understanding of situations and events.

The American Film Industry & Vietnam

Lost illusions and gung-ho patriotism have both featured prominently in Hollywood’s reaction to the Vietnam War, but not to date some of the more unpleasant aspects of the conflict.

Makers of the Twentieth Century: Ho Chi Minh

'Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh' was the chant of radicals in the 1960s and 1970s, idolising the Communist leader who led Vietnam's Revolutionary struggle first against French colonialism and then against the United States' involvement in Vietnam. 

Indochina in Turmoil

Vietnam's expansionism in Indochina during the 1970s had its roots in its pre-colonial past, argues Milton Osborne.