
Islam - The Roots of Misperception

Akbar Ahmed offers the most timely review of how history and stereotype have often combined to make Western Orientalism a hindrance rather than a help in mutual understanding between two cultures.

Cultural Encounter - Islam in Java

For the past 600 years the island of Java has been the scene for the encounter of the two major cultural and religious traditions of the world.

Kuwait Exhibits Islam

Kuwait has enjoyed wealth far longer than the other oil producing states of the Middle East and is proud to spend its riches on its heritage, as Philip Mansel explores here.

Making an Atlas of Islam

Francis Robinson explains how his perception of Islam is reflected in his book, Atlas of the Islamic World since 1500 (Phaidon, 1982).

The Ayatollah Khomeini

Whatever may be history’s verdict on the Ayatallah Khomeini, there can be no doubt that he has forced us to question some of our most fundamental assumptions about power in the twentieth century.