
Who Voted For Hitler?

David Welch attributes the Nazi leader's electoral success to much more than slick propaganda.

Victors' Justice? The Nuremberg Tribunal

Michael Biddiss looks at how the victorious Allies dealt with the unprecedented prosecution of genocide and mass atrocities by the Nazi leadership and how fair the proceedings were to those in the dock.

'...And Tomorrow the Whole World'

What would Europe (and Britain) have looked like if Hitler had won the war? Michael Burleigh unveils a fascinating, if chilling panorama of megalomaniac architecture and social engineering.

Oswald Mosley as Entrepreneur

When money for Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists began to dry up in the late 1930s, he turned to novel schemes for fund-raising. James and Patience Barnes recount the intriguing story.

Re-thinking Japan, 1937-45

Irrational chauvinists or fearful protectionists? Gordon Daniels looks at the new research and arguments reshaping our view of Japan's rulers before and after Pearl Harbour.

Barricades against Fascism: The Popular Front in Europe

Paul Preston and Helen Graham discuss the tension developing in the Europe of the 30s as the Left attempted to unite against the growth of Fascism and the bloody timetable of political collapse, uprisings and mutiny that transformed a half-successful coup d'etat into a protracted civil war.