Napoleonic Era

Maria Graham in Chile, 1822-23

George Pendle finds that the authoress of Little Arthur's History of England was also an inquisitive and adventurous traveller.

Napoleon's Land Grab

Following his disastrous Russian campaign, the emperor of France needed money quickly. The desperate measures he took are revealed by Noelle Plack.

Marshal Blücher

Erich Eyck looks at the battles fought - and won - by Napoleon's Prussian nemisis.

Napoleonic Warfare

G.H.L. LeMay sets the unique military features of Napoleonic France against those of the eighteenth century at large.

The Conspiracy of General Malet, 1812

On October 23, 1812, the Emperor Napoleon, campaigning in Russia, was for six hours threatened with dethronement by a theatrical coup d'etat back in Paris. Godfrey LeMay describes what happened.