
Norman’s Conquest

York Membery interviews the eminent historian Norman Stone about his life in Turkey and his latest book.

French History: Les Bienveillantes

Tobias Grey discusses the impact of a controversial historical novel that has become a literary sensation in France, and asks some French-based commentators and historians for their reactions.

The Wow Factor

John Julius Norwich has an infectious enthusiasm in his writing that makes his books hugely popular. Here he explains why certain subjects have allured him, such as the exotic world of medieval Sicily and his adored Venice, while others leave him cold.

Sir Rees Davies

Ralph Griffiths commemorates the recently deceased historian of medieval Wales and Britishness.

Wonderful Things

Archaeologist Chris Scarre finds fascination in discovering the past by examining its material remains.

Black Books

Daniel Snowman meets Jeremy Black, prolific chronicler of British, European and worldwide diplomatic, military, cultural and cartographic history, and much else besides.

Not All That Again

Jonathan Conlin reads 1066 And All That, a book that served as a point of departure to so many people, seventy-five years after its first publication.

Trying to Escape Hitler’s Shadow

F.J. Stapleton stresses that we need to apply as well as understand historiography to assess the impact of the Sondwerg Theory on German Kaiserrich Historiography.