
What is the History of Popular Culture? (i)

'All human life is there'. But is it - and can it be interpreted on a par with the chronicles of the great and good? Five social historians discuss the relevance of history without 'kings and things'.

There Died a Myriad...

War is prominent among the forms of human experience that have most readily stimulated poetry. In combat both mind and body strain at the end of their tether.

Cultural Encounter - Islam in Java

For the past 600 years the island of Java has been the scene for the encounter of the two major cultural and religious traditions of the world.

Colonel Blimp's England

David Low, the cartoonist, met Horatio Blimp, a retired Colonel, in a Turkish bath near Charing Cross in the early 1930s. Many agree with C.S. Lewis that Colonel Blimp was 'the most characteristic expression of the English temper in the period between the two wars.'