A.L. Rowse

No Popery Under Queen Victoria

Stephen Usherwood describes the Oxford Movement, the revival of the Catholic faith in England, and the hostility that both aroused.

Truro as Cornish Capital

A.L. Rowse describes how the centre of administrative life in Cornwall has enjoyed a varied history, from Plantagenet to modern times.

The Duchy of Cornwall

Edward III created the Duchy of Cornwall as an estate for the Black Prince; A.L. Rowse describes how it has been held ever since by the sovereign’s heir or lain dormant in the Crown.

Heralds of the College of Arms

A.L. Rowse analyses heraldry as an essential element in the social history of England in the later middle ages and early modern period.

Jan Tregagle: In Legend and in History

A.L. Rowse introduces the legendary spirit whom generations of Cornish people heard roaring in the storm-winds. Jan Tregagle proves to have originated as an unscrupulous seventeenth-century steward.