History Today

The Vikings on the Continent

Alfred the Great was not the only one to be beset by Norseman – Simon Coupland and Janet Nelson re-interpret their impact on the mainland of 9th-century Europe.

The Syrian Cuckoo: Rome and the Unconquered Sun

Running after foreign gods - Richard Stoneman explains how Rome's Syrian rival, the city of Palmyra, and her formidable queen Zenobia influenced the religion and mores of the later Empire - and brought us in the process Christmas Day.

The End of Roman Britain

Simon Esmonde Cleary considers a little-known anniversary - the death in 388 of an imperial usurper who became a link-man between the factual eclipse of Roman Britain and the legendary world of King Arthur.

Lux Aeterna

Richard Cavendish looks at the impact of soap king Lord Leverhulme on the foundation of Port Sunlight.