History Matters

Thoughts, opinions and commentary on all things historical.

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Forging Ties

A Shanghai bookshop played a pivotal role in promoting Sino-Japanese friendship. 

Many Happy Returns

James Stuart, Jacobite pretender to the throne, campaigned for the Jacobite cause with dancing and parties. 

The War on Dogs

The dog cull of 1760 divided London: were dogs man’s best friend, or plague-ridden pests?

Empire in the Everyday

The everyday concerns of two Korean farmers are a microcosm of the huge changes their country underwent in the early 20th century.

Bombs for Peace

To justify their use, nuclear weapons were rebranded as a force for good.

Against the Odds

The Battle of the Springs of Cresson marked the beginning of the end for the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The Death of Stalin’s Son

The death of Joseph Stalin’s son Yakov Dzhugashvili in a German concentration camp 80 years ago was kept a secret for decades.