John Roberts

General Boulanger

Between 1886 and 1889, writes John Roberts, an ambitious soldier, taking advantage of a “vague aspiration toward national regeneration”, seemed to come near to destroying the Republic in France.

The Myth of the Paris Commune

Around the rising of the Paris Commune against the Provisional Government of France many myths have accumulated, writes John Roberts, which in varying versions have influenced all subsequent French politics.

Clemenceau: The Politician

Sometimes admired, even occasionally popular; John Roberts describes how Georges Clemenceau towered over French political life for nearly half a century.

The Dreyfus Case, 1894 -1906

John Roberts sees the Dreyfus Affair not only as the representative of the sordid politics of the Third Republic, but as a belated effect of the French Revolution.

Goodbye To All That?

John Roberts finds nationalism a better bet than the idylls of Marx for the longue duree of historical understanding.